Tuesday, June 23, 2009

GSCC Premier Volunteer

SARASOTA, Fla. (June 17, 2009) –The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce recognized Syd Krawczyk with the Premier Volunteer Award at Sarasota Prime Time – exhibit • meet • greet Wednesday, June 17 in recognition of his outstanding volunteer service.

Syd Krawczyk was presented the Premier Volunteer Award for his significant volunteer contribution, leadership positions held, commitment to The Chamber and special achievements.

Syd Krawczyk is president of Concept Digital Media, Inc., which offers Web site design, photography and graphic art to Sarasota, Bradenton and the surrounding areas. A Chamber member since 2005, Krawczyk is active in various Chamber activities and committees. His committee involvement includes Chamber Partners serving on the PNL Steering Committee, chairing the new First Monday events and serving on the B.A.N.G (Business and Networking Groups) steering committee.

In addition to Syd's committee involvement, he also volunteers his professional photography services at various Chamber events.

The award honors a Chamber member for exemplary volunteer service within The Chamber and is based upon the level of volunteer contributions that the member has made and the degree to which the general membership has benefited. Many factors are examined in the review process such as number of hours volunteered, leadership positions held, special achievements and overall impact of the volunteer’s involvement and service.

Prime Time was hosted by the Sahib Shrine Center and featured 50 exhibitors as well as complimentary hors d'oeuvres provided by five Chamber member restaurants. The next Prime Time will be held at the Polo Grill & Bar September 16.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Need a website?

Would you try to run a business without having a phone number where potential clients could reach you?

What about trying to offer a service and not having transportation to get to your jobs?

If you do not have a company website, you may be severely limiting your exposure to potential clients. You may work 60 hours a week – but your website will be up 24/7/365 as your company’s representative. You need a website that is informative, interactive, easy to navigate, and reflects your professional image.

Many people do not take a business seriously if they do not have a website – it’s just that simple. Unfortunately, if you have a bad website – it reflects poorly on you as well. It seems like everyone is claiming they do website design lately, so if you do need a website, please do a little homework before you hire someone to insure you get the best site possible for your budget.

Concept Digital Media, Inc. offers CAI members professional web design that grows with you and your company. We tailor our services to your specific needs because we understand all businesses are not alike. We can get you started with a basic website package and first year of hosting for as low as $500.00. Our flexible, and easily expandable web design platform, will change with your growing needs. We offer SEO, Social Media Optimization, Photography, and Graphic Art.

Please give me a call if you have any questions. As a small business owner myself – I like to see other businesses succeed, and it would be my pleasure to help you in any way I can,

- Syd

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Prepare for Hurricane Season

Hurricane Season is just around the corner - make sure you and your family is prepared.

Locate a safe room or the safest areas in your home. In certain circumstances the safest areas may not be your home but within your community.

Pick an alternate meeting place in case your home cannot be reached

Have an out-of-state friend as a family contact, so all your family members have a single point of contact.

Post emergency telephone numbers by your phones and make sure your children know how and when to call 911.

Know how to disconnect/switch off all utilities

Install smoke detectors and test them on a regular basis to ensure that they are working properly

Take a first aid course

Make plans for anyone in your family who may have special needs: (e.g. the elderly or small children) and also for your pets.

Have a family disaster kit - Always store your kit in a convenient place and in an easy-to-carry bag:

· Water: store water in plastic containers, 1 gallon of water per person for each day, allowing for up to 3 days.

· Food: store non-perishable food and ready-to-eat canned meats and vegetables, juices, soups, and high energy foods (e.g., peanut butter, nuts and dry cereals, candy, coffee and tea, sugar, salt, vitamins, biscuits).

· First-aid kit: bandages, adhesive tape, scissors, needles, antiseptic, pins, latex gloves and cleaning agents. Also include all prescribed medicine and non prescription medicine for pain, anti diarrhea antacid, laxative and something which may be used for poison control (e.g., syrup of ipecac or activated charcoal).

· Tools and supplies: battery operated radio and batteries, flashlight, tape, needles and thread, plastic sheeting, paper and pencil, matches (keep in water proof container), whistle, can opener, fire extinguisher, garbage bags.

· Personal hygiene products: toilet paper, feminine supplies, disinfectant, chlorine bleach, toothbrushes and toothpaste.

· Clothing, shoes and bedding.

· Important family documents should be kept in a safety deposit box along with a complete home asset inventory. If a safety deposit box is unavailable - documents should be kept in a water proof, portable container: including wills, insurance policies, deeds and stocks, passports, bank account details and credit card information, as well as other family records, such as birth/marriage certificates.

Remember: practice the family plan and maintain the supply kit, by rotating your food and water supplies and by regularly checking your batteries.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Importance of an asset inventory

Even with everything insured, without an asset inventory -- especially one that is itemized with video and photos, you could spend months fighting with the insurance company for reimbursement or replacement of missing items. In a perfect world we would be able to go to the insurance office, insure our residence and belongings for "x" amount of dollars, and that would be good enough. However, the reality is that in the event of a loss, the insurance company will want to see detailed proof of that loss.

Most of us never complete an asset inventory. Yet we continue to accumulate, buy newer equipment, upgrade entertainment systems, inherit antiques and family heirlooms, acquire artwork, etc; often storage units are a necessity. The distressing thing is – few of us could sit down and remember everything we own of material value if we had to, let alone supply sufficient information for an insurance company.

What if you lose your home and valuables? What if a thief invades your business and wipes out years of hard work.

Everyone who owns a computer knows the value of a recent backup in case of a crash. Similarly, you can rely on an asset inventory report that includes the make, model and serial number, and copies of receipts. This report can also be stored with your other important documents such as deeds, birth certificates, and account information, in a safety deposit box. The asset inventory can maximize insurance benefits, determine if you are under or or over insured, facilitate theft recovery, or be used for pre-nuptial and divorce arrangements. Most of all, a detailed asset inventory creates peace of mind. If you don't have a camcorder, camera, or the time - (or even if you do) using a third party asset inventory service is an excellent idea and an easy way to validate your belongings to an insurance company.
A good asset inventory service is licensed, bonded and insured and offers a certified report that includes photos and a digital copy with video on a CD/DVD. The one-time cost of an average third party asset inventory is usually less than what most people pay a year for car insurance.

Please make sure you have sufficient insurance and are covered in the case of fire, flood, hurricane, or theft.

Getting ready for hurricane season by doing a home inventory

Insurance companies advise homeowners to have a current inventory of their assets. If you do not supply your insurance agent with an inventory - there is the possibility that you may be over or under insured, or you may not have the correct type of insurance. Many items such as cameras, firearms, and jewelry are only covered up to a certain amount and require a separate policy to be fully covered.

Insurance companies require "proof of loss" before settling a claim. If you have an up-to-date inventory - you will have that proof.

Be prepared for Hurricane season and other disasters - create a detailed asset inventory list and a "walk through video" of the home or business, and digital photographs of your home or business property and individual contents. You can also scan receipts, insurance information, and other important documents for transfer to digital medium for safe storage.
A good idea would be to store this information in a safety deposit box.
In the event of a fire, hurricane, or theft you should be able to recover financially by receiving a quick settlement from your insurance company. Having an updated inventory eliminates the burden of proof insurance companies require before settling a claim.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Customer service

It is very annoying that lately I have come to realize that most people and businesses I have to deal with on a continuing basis simply cannot do their jobs. It seems like everyone has lost the capacity for problem solving, and are either possessing sub normal intelligence for an above average capacity for indifference.

Take Verizon for example. Almost a year ago I called them a month in advance to tell them I was moving and asked that they connect the service to the new place at least 2 weeks before I was to move. To make a long story short – 3 different technicians were never able to figure out how to get the DSL working , They tried to bill me for three months of service I never had, and a year later I still have not been refunded my money for the modem I sent back.

Customer service is nonexistent - it’s really only customer placation. “we’ll take care of this right away for you”, “I’ll let me manager know about your problem – and he’ll get right back to you”, or “we are so very sorry and understand your frustration, we are working hard to come up with a solution”.

The last 2 weeks I have been having problems with IX web hosting, and every time I create a trouble ticket – I get the same generic response back.

”I'm very sorry for such inconvenience. We are much concerned about our service level we provide and doing all our best to keep our servers on appropriate state.

Our system administrators have worked on the problem and it has been fixed completely. Please check your websites once again, everything is fine from my end and with the servers. We do not expect any further problems to occur as a direct consequence of this problem. Thank you for your understanding and patience.If you will need our assistance further, do not hesitate to contact us anytime, we are available 24/7.”

The problem has not been “fixed completely” –(as opposed to fixed partially?) – they obviously are not concerned about their service, and what does “doing all our best to keep our servers on appropriate state.” even mean?

They even thank me in advance for my understanding and patience. I understand that I need to be patient while I look for another hosting company.

The list goes on and on – auto mechanics who can’t fix cars, printers that can’t get their colors correct, and forget about getting any electronics fixed – everything is disposable – they just replace it.

In a world where nobody knows how to do anything because they spend all their time trying to figure out how to make the latest high tech gadget work, it is truly good to run across a true professional occasionally.

If you are fortunate to find someone who truly excels at what they do, and just doesn’t offer empty promises and apologies, please get the word out – there aren’t many of them around!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Creating something unique

“those who strive too much to be shocking and original only end up being boring and similar to those they try to set themselves apart from, on the other hand those who borrow all the best bits from their peers and improve upon them - sometimes end up creating something remarkably unique”

Salvador Dali once said the reason he was a great painter was because he took all the best techniques from the masters and made them his own.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Easy Button

The easy button isn’t always the best way to go.
There are certain companies out there who claim they do design and coding, SEO, e-commerce, hosting, etc – and in fact they are farming the work out to subcontractors. Using another company for web hosting is one thing – but why would anyone trust their website development to someone who sells promotional items or prints t-shirts?
I prefer to work closely with my clients and develop their sites. To properly manage the SEO, and social media, I need to know quite a bit about a company, and be in constant contact with them. That is impossible to do if I am working as a subcontractor.
I do not think it is wise for any business to use a “middle man” for something as important as a web site. Everybody loves the easy button! It would be nice if you could make just one phone call to manage all aspects of your business like bookkeeping, advertising, lawn maintenance, vehicle repair, or printing. Unfortunately things don’t work that way.
Just remember – never eat at a restaurant if the menu has Italian, Chinese, Mexican, and American on it – that is a sure sign that none of the food is going to be good!
You need a web designer who is on top of things. One that will make sure your site is always updated with the newest software versions, One that will keep on top of security, and will be available if anything goes wrong. Most important you need a web designer who keeps current with SEO and Social Media Optimization. If you ask your web designer what 2.0 is – and they don’t know – run away as fast as you can….
Would you ask your plumber to take out your appendix? If you hire someone to handle your website project who does not know the first thing about website design you are asking for trouble.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May First Monday event

Last night the Greater Sarasota Chambers “First Monday” event was sponsored by Esca on Main Street. Probably 100 or more people showed up for some great networking! It was a fantastic evening – everyone had a good time, in fact some of us ended up hanging out until almost 9:00.

The music was provided by the Michael Finley Band. Michael on drums and Dean Miller on Acoustic guitar – those guys are great!

I’ve been coordinating First Monday for over a year now, and it has turned out to be a very successful networking event. In June we’ll be at Lakewood Ranch Dental - the event will be catered by Sarasota Catering – and that is sure to be a real treat!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The role of the photographer

The role of the photographer has changed dramatically with the advent of the digital revolution. Equipment and software are constantly changing, and people expect much more from a photographer than just someone who takes photos. My goal is to capture life at its most beautiful, to give other people a glimpse of what I see when I look through the lens. I want to not only capture a moment in time – but the feeling, the atmosphere, the energy of that moment.

We live in a visual society, and are continuously bombarded with images everywhere we turn. We have been overwhelmed and numbed by the incredible amount of mediocrity we are exposed to on a daily basis. From reality television to assembly line art, the image has been diluted. There will always be a place for art. Whether most will admit it or are even aware of it – our world is held together by art. Culture is the glue that binds our society, and in an absence of art – our world will crumble and decompose.